Why in-house PCB prototyping?

Easy to use, efficient, reliable

LPKF’s benchtop PCB prototyping systems provide the ideal in-house research and development solution for virtually any engineering environment. Every LPKF machine is built to be the best of its class, with thousands of the individually calibrated systems installed world-wide. It’s no surprise to hear customers explain that their LPKF system is the most important tool in the R&D lab.

The faster way to create circuit boards

Mechanical or laser systems enable single-sided and double-sided PCBs, multilayers, high-capacity circuits, RF and microwave PCBs, and rigid and flex PCBs to be manufactured – thus offering exciting options for electronic products.

1- & 2-sided PCBs and multilayers

Mechanical and laser systems selectively remove the copper layers on single- and double-sided circuit boards, thereby creating insulating channels that precisely delineate the required conductive traces and pads. The circuit board plotters also drill all the necessary holes in the boards.


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