Revolutionized STEM Learning!

Learning robotics  and coding can never be this fun and effective before. Simulated realistic environment to program and test your robot exactly how it is in real world!

Top Quality 3D Graphics!

Go TechUp uses the same simulation engine used by top game studios, entertainment movies and industrial simulator in automotive industries and aerospace.

Cutting Edge Technology

Developed by education experts to deliver frontier technologies to children and supply educators with the best tools for teaching coding basics remotely.

Learning Robotics without limit!

Immersive Learning Experience

Go TechUp offers a step-by-step curriculum to increase proficiency in programming, based on special missions (objectives) and tests to ensure learner’s proper understanding on each lesson. The program environment and method are beginner-friendly which facilitates the understanding of lessons concepts.

This solution can be both a great introductory course before getting a physical kit or a complementary course for students to practice at home. Furthermore, this innovative online robot programming simulation software is an optimal solution for remote teaching, as the student can access anytime and anywhere through the web.



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